Additional Festival Special Trains -Central Railway
32 Additional Ganpati Special Trains
Central Railway will run 32 additional Ganpati Special Trains to clear the extra rush of passengers during Ganpati Festival 2022. This is in addition to 74 Ganpati Special Trains already announced. There is no change in timings, halts and composition of these additional Ganpati Special Trains, details of which are given below:
1. Mumbai-Sawantwadi Daily Special (16 services)
01137 special will leave Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai at 00.20 hrs daily from 13.08.2022 to 20.08.2022 (8 services) and arrive Sawantwadi Road at 14.00 hrs same day.
01138 special will leave Sawantwadi Road at 14.40 hrs daily from 13.8.2022 to 20.8.2022 (8 services) and arrive Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai at 03.45 hrs next day.
2. Nagpur-Madgaon Bi-weekly Special (6 services)
01139 special will leave Nagpur at 15.05 hrs oÂn 13.08.2022, 17.08.2022 and 20.08.2022 (3 services) and arrive Madgaon at 17.30 hrs next day.
01140 special will leave Madgaon at 19.00 hrs oÂn 14.08.2022, 18.08.2022 and 21.08.2022 (3 services) and arrive Nagpur at 21.30 hrs next day.
3. Pune-Kudal Special (2 services)
01141 special will leave Pune at 00.30 hrs oÂn 16.8.2022 and arrive Kudal at 14.00 hrs same day.
01142 special will leave Kudal at 15.30 hrs oÂn 16.8.2022 and arrive Pune at 06.50 hrs next day.
4. Pune-Thivim/Kudal-Pune Special (4 services)
01145 special will leave Pune at 17.30 hrs oÂn 12.8.2022 and 19.8.2022 and arrive Thivim at 11.40 hrs next day.
01146 special will leave Kudal at 15.30 hrs oÂn 14.08.2022 and 21.8.2022 and arrive Pune at 05.50 hrs next day.
5. Panvel-Kudal/Thivim-Panvel Special (4 services)
01143 special will leave Panvel at 05.00 hrs oÂn 14.08.2022 and 21.8.2022 and arrive Kudal at 14.00 hrs same day.
01144 special will leave Thivim at 14.40 hrs oÂn 13.08.2022 and 20.8.2022 and arrive Panvel at 02.45 hrs next day
Reservation: Bookings for all the Ganpati Specials will open oÂn 8.7.2022 oÂn special charges at all computerised reservation centres and oÂn website
For detailed timings at halts of these special trains please visit or download NTES App
Passengers are advised to follow Covid appropriate behaviour for their and other’s safety.
Source:Central Railway
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