
Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Ganapathi Special Trains between Mumbai and Thokur(Karnataka)

Ganapathi Special Trains between Mumbai and Thokur(Karnataka)

 60 Additional Ganpati Special Trains between Mumbai-Thokur (Karnataka)

Central Railway will run Additional Ganpati Special Trains between Lokmanya Tilak Terminus and Thokur to clear the extra rush of passengers during Ganpati Festival 2022. The details are as under:-

01153 special will leave Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 22.15 hrs daily from 13.8.2022 to 11.9.2022 (30 services) and will arrive Thokur at 16.30 hrs next day.

01154 special will leave Thokur at 19.30 hrs daily from 14.08.2022 to 12.09.2022 (30 services) and will arrive Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 13.25 hrs next day.

Halts: Thane, Panvel, Roha, Mangoan, Khed, Chiplun,Sawarda, Sangameshwar Road, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Sawantwadi Road, Thivim, Karmali, Madgaon, Karwar, Gokarna Road, Kumta, Murudeshwar, Bhatkal, Mookambika Road Byndoor, Kundapura, Udupi, Mulki, Surathkal,

Composition: o­ne AC-2 Tier, 4 AC-3 Tier, 12 Sleeper Class, 7 General Second class including 2 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans.

Reservation: Bookings for the special trains no. 01153/01154 o­n special charges will open from 9.7.2022 at all computerised reservations centres and o­n website

For detailed timings at halts of this special train please visit or download NTES App

Passengers are advised to follow covid appropriate behaviour for their and other’s safety.

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