
Saturday, 23 July 2022

Extension of periodicity of Special Trains between Sainagar Shirdi and Dahar ka Balaji

Extension of periodicity of Special Trains between Sainagar Shirdi and Dahar ka Balaji

Extension of periodicity of Special Trains between Sainagar Shirdi and Dahar ka Balaji

Railways have extended the periodicity of weekly special trains already running between Sainagar Shirdi and Dahar ka Balaji to clear the extra rush of passengers. The details are as under:

Train No.09740 weekly superfast special will leave Sainagar Shirdi every Sunday, at 07.25 hrs from 07.08.2022 to 30.10.2022 (13 Trips) and will arrive Dahar ka Balaji at 08.10 hrs next day

Train No.09739 weekly superfast special will leave Dahar ka Balaji every Friday at 21.20 hrs from 05.08.2022 to 28.10.2022 (13 Trips) and will arrive Sainagar Shirdi at 20.30 hrs next day.

There is no change in Halts & composition of this train.

Reservation: Bookings for special train No. 09740 o­n special charges will open o­n 23.7.2022 at all computerised reservation centres and o­n website 

For detailed timings and halts please visit or download NTES App.

Passengers are advised to follow covid appropriate behaviour for their and other’s safety.

Source:Central Railway

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