
Thursday, 7 November 2019

Special Trains Between Santragachi-Coimbatore Via Vijayawada

Special Trains Between Santragachi-Coimbatore Via Vijayawada
Eight Suvidha Special Trains between Santragachi – Coimbatore via., Vijayawada
In order to clear extra rush of passengers, eight Suvidha special trains will run between Santragachi - Coimbatore (via., Vijayawada) as per the following schedule.
Train No. 80823 Santragachi – Coimbatore Suvidha special train will depart Santragachi at 21.50 hrs o­n 06th, 13th, 20th & 27th November, 2019 (Wednesdays) and arrive Coimbatore at 14.25 hrs o­n the Friday.
In the return direction, Train No. 80824 Coimbatore – Santragachi Suvidha special train will depart Coimbatore at 21:45 hrs o­n 08th, 15th, 22nd & 29th November, 2019 (Fridays) and arrive Santragachi at 08:45 hrs o­n Sunday.
Enroute, these special trains will stop at Kharagpur, Balasore LS, Bhadrak, Naraj Marthapur, Bhubaneswar, Khurda Road, Berhampur, Sompeta, Palasa, Srikakulam Road, Vizianagaram, Kottavalasa, Simhachalam Town, Duvvada, Tuni, Samalkot, Rajahmundry, Eluru, Vijayawada, Tenali, o­ngole, Nellore, Gudur, Sulurpeta, Perambur, Katpadi, Salem, Erode and Tiruppur stations in both the directions.
These special trains will consist of AC III Tier and Sleeper Class Coaches.

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