Quicker Trains Between KSR Bengaluru and Whitefield Automatic Signalling Work Commissioned
Automatic signalling work between KSR Bengaluru and Bengaluru Cantonment was completed and commissioned today on 16th August at 12:15 hrs.
This work was done at a cost of Rs. 3.22 Crore The section between KSR Bengaluru to Bengaluru Cantonment is 4.4 Km long. one each automatic signal has been provided in section in up and down lines. Automatic Signalling between Bengaluru Cant. to Whitefield was commissioned in Feb 2019. With the commissioning of section between Bengaluru Cant. and KSR Bengaluru, Automatic signalling is completed now from KSR Bengaluru to Whitefield (23 km). Provision of auto signalling between KSR Bengaluru and Bengaluru Cantonment was sanctioned in Mar. 2018 and work was completed in a record time.
This work is going to improve the mobility in one of busiest sections significantly as it doubles the number of trains that can be in the section. KSR Bengaluru and Bangalore Cant. stations can push one additional train between these two stations with frequency of five minute each way instead of existing 10 minutes each way. At present nearly 110 trains ply between these stations.
With the commissioning of Automatic signalling from KSR Bengaluru to Whitefield the need for trains to wait for the clearance of train in section ahead has been eliminated and trains can move between stations one after another. It will help in quicker movement.
During the 36 Hrs of Non-Interlocking at Bengaluru Cantonment and 6 Hrs disconnection period at KSR Bengaluru, 6 officers, 8 supervisors and more than 18 staff/technicians/ wiremen were deployed to complete the work in a record time. About 18 traffic staff/supervisors were also deployed for safe movement of trains during Non-Interlocking period.
Improving mobility around Bengaluru station is one the priority areas of Shri Suresh Angadi, Hon'ble MoSR.
Source:South Western Railway
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