
Thursday 20 April 2017

Innovation Challenge for Identifying New Non-Fare Revenue Sources for Indian Railways

15 FEB 2017 - 20 MAY 2017
Innovation Challenge for Identifying New Non-Fare Revenue Sources for Indian Railways

Background : In response to Hon’ble Prime Minister’s clarion call for innovation in Indian Railways under the Navrachna Initiative, Indian Railways has decided to conduct a public competition for ‘Identifying New Non-Fare Revenue Sources for Indian Railways’.‘.

Indian Railways primarily earns revenue by collecting passenger fares and freight. These are tariff earnings or fare-box revenue. All other earning falls in the category of the Railway's non-tariff earning or Non-Fare Revenue. It carries an immense market potential, if explored in a systematic manner.

Indian Railways is striving to substantially increase its Non-Fare revenue by monetising its physical and digital assets such as trains (inside and outside), passengers, station platforms, buildings and residential colonies, land next to tracks and digital and physical interfaces.

The Challenge is designed as an online competition hosted at "" for submission of innovative ideas for increasing Non-Fare Revenue of the Indian Railways. The challenge invites ideas to identify non-tariff revenue sources derivable from all assets owned by Indian Railways, without compromising existing level of ergonomic comfort and passenger amenities.



Q.1: What is innovation challenge?
The innovation challenge is an effort to motivate the Indian Citizens to think and contribute in the development and value addition efforts of the country's main rail transport service provider. The competition encourages out of the box thinking and solutions for the current aspirations of the stakeholders.
Q.2: What are the areas proposed for innovation challenge?
Five specific challenges have been concurrently floated. The details can be seen on
Q.3: What are the evaluation criteria for innovation challenges?
Evaluation criteria for each of the challenges have been framed to account for the main requirements of the particular challenge for the purpose of ensuring that the suggested idea is effective. They have also been published in advance to enable the participants to understand the importance of different parameters and submit their ideas/ write-ups accordingly.
Q.4: What type of Royalty or Benefits may I get, if I am individual and my idea is selected?
The winners shall get awards as detailed in the awards section of the competition. Any tax liability on award money shall have to be borne by the winners themselves. There is no additional royalty or benefit proposed to accrue to the winners, other than the awards. The participants are strongly advised to go through the Terms and Conditions laid out in the challenge.
Q.5: What is the feasibility of implementation of the proposed ideas for innovation challenges?
Feasibility of implementation is one of the criteria for judging the idea, given the prevalent environment conditions and existing legacy systems and skill levels of Railways.
Q.6: What are the possible constraints anticipated in development of the proposed innovation challenges?
Implementation of new ideas comes with its own sets of risks and hurdles. In certain cases, the participants are advised to comment on the potential hurdles anticipated and how the innovation proposes to overcome or sidestep them. The difficulties in implementation may arise from the environment in which the innovation is deployed, from the inherent nature of the technology used and maintained and conflict with existing usage pattern and maintenance skill. While there can be no exhaustive list of constraints, participants should thoroughly analyze the difficulties in implementation during the life cycle of the product.
Q.7: What are the maintainability criteria of the proposed innovation challenges?
The proposed idea should take into account the difficulties that may arise in maintaining the design. These difficulties may pertain to Accessibility, Ease of Replacement, Procurement of Spares &Consumables and the Skill required, among others. The participants should consider these issues in the design and elaborate how they have strived to account for these issues in their designs.
Q.8: What is Age limit for participants?
Participants (Individual/or in case of teams, the team leader) are required to be at least 18 years of age on the date of launch of the competition.
Q.9: In case of team project, what will be the size of team?
In case of team, total team members, including the team leader, should not exceed six.
Q.10: What are the Nationality criteria in Eligibility?
The challenge is open only to Indian resident nationals. In case of companies, majority of team members/shareholders are required to be Indian resident nationals.
Q.11: Who can't participate in the challenge?
The following persons and their immediate relatives cannot participate in the Challenge:

An employee of Indian Railways directly involved in execution and evaluation of the Challenge.
A member or employee of Knowledge cum execution partner/Organizer.
A member of the Evaluation panel, Experts and Jury for the Challenge.

Q.12: What will be the mode of entry?
The competition is designed as an online challenge. The following method applies:
For posting the entries using the online application system, participants are advised to go to and click on the "CLICK TO PARTICIPATE" button. The participant will be taken to a landing page featuring the registration form with various fields.
Participant will have to fill out the Participant Registration form and Entry Submission Form. The submission must comply with the requirements as set out in the Guidelines mentioned on the online Entry Submission Form.
On successful submission, participant will receive a confirmation email.
Q.13: What will be the Entry Submission Fields and Size of file?
The participants shall be required to submit their entries in the fields provided in the Entry Submission Forms limited to the number of characters prescribed as per templates. Drawings, if necessary, can be attached as PDF, but should not exceed 8 MB in size.
Q.14: What will be the preferred Language for submitting the write up?
The write up should either be submitted in Hindi or English. In case submission is in any other language, it must be accompanied with translations in either Hindi or English.


Q.1: What is Out-of-Home Advertising?
Out-Of-Home Advertising is monetisation of all advertising assets apart from the station area such as circulating areas of class A1-F stations, Road over Bridges, Road under Bridges, level crossing gates, Railway colonies, Railway workshops, Railway production units, Railway land along the tracks etc.
Q.2: What is Train Branding?
Train Brandingisthe internal and external advertisement of all trains.
Q.3: What is Rail Display Network?
Rail Display Network is a centrally controlled network of digital screens to be set up at 2000+ stations, disseminating Railway information and advertisement content, in various languages at the same time.
Q.4: What is Content on Demand and Rail Radio?
Content on Demand services consist of entertainment content which can be utilised by the passengers and shall be offered on stations and trains.
Q.5: What is Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs), Multi-Purpose Stalls (MPSs), ATMs at Railway Stations?
This initiative includes setting up of restaurants, multi-purpose stalls and ATMs at railway stations at major stations.
Q.6: What is Integrated Mobile Application (ticketing and integrated passenger services)?
A new mobile application to be launched by Indian Railways, creating a one-stop solution for provision ticketing and affiliated services.


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