
Sunday, 4 October 2020

UPSC Candidates and Their Escorts For Travel by Special Suburban Services

UPSC Candidates and Their Escorts For Travel by Special Suburban Services



Permission for UPSC candidates and their escorts for travel by special suburban services

Central Railway Press Release

Permission for UPSC candidates and their escorts for travel by special suburban services

On the request of Secy, UPSC vide D.O. No. EIA( I ) DATED 9.9.20, permission has been granted by Ministry of Railways, Government of India, to UPSC Candidates & their escorts for travel by special suburban services over Mumbai Suburban railway network o­n 3rd & 4th October, 2020 .

Exam call letter & identity card of the candidate will be considered as authority for entry at the stations. Additional booking counters will be opened at important railway stations for the  passengers.


Except for essential category staff & specified categories, as per the directives of state government, others are requested not to rush to the stations.

It is also requested that travellers should follow medical and social protocols as mandated for COVID19.

The public is requested not to believe any rumour.

Source:Central Railway

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