
Sunday, 27 September 2020

IrctcGroup Booking of Train Tickets -A Guide

 IrctcGroup Booking of Train Tickets -A Guide


In case you require reservation in excess of the above limit of 6 passengers you may contact the controlling officer/Chief Reservation supervisor of the concerned reservation office for permission to book more number of passengers in a group. However, such booking of bulk accommodation is available only after 10.00 hrs on computerized reservation system subject to overall limit on trains as per extant rules and availability of accommodation . Here is step by step guide to help in bulk booking of berths 

Step I  Please submit a letter (in two copies) to authorized` officials giving details such as train number, date of journey and of berths and the list of passengers. 

Step II  Get the permission of the authorized officials 

Step III  Contact the bulk booking counter for purchase of tickets 

Source:South Eastern Railway

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