Monday, 3 August 2020

Sunday Mega Block For Maintenance Work -Central Railway

Sunday Mega Block For Maintenance Work -Central Railway
Maintenance works carried out in Sunday mega block
Central Railway  Press Release
Maintenance works carried out in Sunday mega block
Central Railway Mumbai Division corona warriors carried out maintenance work during mega block o­n Up and Down fast lines of main line between Thane and Kalyan and CSMT-Chunabhatti Up & Dn harbour lines o­n 02.08.2020. More than 500 corona warriors were working o­n the following works. Besides, the work of dismantling of old abandoned pipeline bridge of KDMC between Kopar and Dombivali stations was coordinated by team CR by operating a special traffic block o­n all suburban lines and the 5th and 6th line between Kopar and Dombivali.
Work of replacement of set switches, CMS crossings and sleepers were undertaken o­n Up and Down fast lines between Thane and Kalyan. Rail replacement and welding work were also done at some places in the section. New sleeper insertions were done using UNIMAT machine and 62 scrap rails were also loaded and removed. Cross sleeper replacement and welding work were done o­n the 5th & 6th lines between Diva and Kalyan in addition to loading and removal of 55 scrap rails. Muck removal work was also carried out in the section.
OHE works
Annual overhauling and close inspection of OHE was done o­n the Thane-Kalyan section fast lines and CSMT-Kurla section o­n the Harbour line. 435 meters of contact wires were replaced along with replacement of 2 switch jumper wires and 6 rusty bracket assembly. Three redundant mast/structures were removed and scrap loading of 18 redundant mast/structures were done. Tree trimming and cutting work was also undertaken wherever required. These works were carried out with two Crane special, two Tower Wagons, five ladder gangs and o­ne trolley ladder gang.
S&T Works
Replacement work of signal posts and units, friction clutches, copper track lead wires, nut-bolts, brackets and complete ground connection sets were carried out. Disconnection and reconnection work of lead wires and DAC sensors and of ground connection for working of UNIMAT were also carried out. In addition, checking of intactness of track connections and measuring of track parameters of down fast lines were also done by Signal and Telecommunication warriors.

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