Sunday, 15 December 2024

Mumbai Passenger Reservation System(PRS)-DownTime

 Mumbai Passenger Reservation System(PRS)-DownTime



Mumbai Passenger Reservation System (PRS) Downtime for PNR Compression from mid-night of 14.12.2024 to morning hrs of 15.12.2024

Central Railway Press Release

*Mumbai Passenger Reservation System (PRS) Downtime for PNR Compression from mid-night of 14.12.2024 to morning hrs of 15.12.2024*

Mumbai PRS will be shut down from 23.45 hrs of 14.12.2024 to 04.45 hrs of 15.12.2024 for PNR Compression of Passenger Reservation System Mumbai.

Due to the shutdown, PRS services, Coaching Refund services and Other services like IVRS, Current Reservation, Chart Display, Touch Screen, Refund counters and Coaching refund terminal etc. will not be available. However, TDR will be issued for refund as per extant refund rules.

Internet booking for Mumbai PRS trains will not be available during the above mentioned period.

Passengers/Rail users are requested to bear with the Railway Administration for this important maintenance work.

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