Summer Special Trains between Tirupati-Nagarsol & Tirupati-H.S.Nanded(18 Trips)
18 Summer Special Trains between Tirupati-Nagarsol & Tirupati-H.S.Nanded
In order to clear extra rush of passengers during Summer season, eighteen more summer special trains will be run between Nagarsol – Tirupati – Nagarsol and Nanded-Tirupati-Nanded as detailed below:-
1.Train No. 07417/07418 Tirupati-Nagarsol-Tirupati Special Trains (10 services) :
Train No 07417 Tirupati – Nagarsol Special Train will depart Tirupati at 07:30 hrs 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th June, 2017 (Friday) arrive/depart Secunderabad at 20:15/20:25 hrs oÂn the same day and arrive Nagarsol at 11: 55hrs oÂn the next day.
In the return direction, Train No.07418 Nagarsol - Tirupati Special Train will depart Nagarsol at 22:00 hrs oÂn 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th June & 1st July, 2017 (Saturday), arrive/depart Secunderabad at 11:55/12:05 hrs oÂn the next day and arrive Tirupati at 04:00 hrs oÂn second day.
Enroute, these special trains will also stop at Renigunta, Gudur, Nellore, oÂngole, Tenali, Guntur, Sattenapalli, Piduguralla, Nadikudi, Miryalaguda, Nalgonda, Cherlapalli, Begumpet, Lingampalli, Shankarpalli, Vikarabad, Zahiarabad, Bidar, Bhalki, Udgir, Latur Road, Pangaon, Parli, Gangakher, Parbhani, Manavat Road, Selu, Partur, Jalna and Aurangabad stations in both directions.
These special trains will have 19 coaches viz, oÂne AC II Tier, three AC III Tier, seven Sleeper Class, six General Second Class and two Luggage cum Brake Van Coaches.
2.Train No. 07607/07608 H.S.Nanded-Tirupati-H.S.Nanded Special Trains (08 services) :
Train No 07607 H.S.Nanded- Tirupati Special Train will depart H.S.Nanded at 18:45 hrs oÂn 6th, 13th, 20th& 27th June, 2017 (Tuesday) arrive/depart Secunderabad at 00:10/00:40 hrs oÂn the next day and arrive Tirupati at 14.00 hrs.
In the return direction, Train No 07608 Tirupati-H.S.Nanded Special Train will depart Tirupati at 15:45 hrs oÂn 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th June, 2017 (Wednesday) arrive/depart Secunderabad at 04:30/04:55 hrs oÂn the next day and arrive H.S.Nanded at 11:30 hrs.
Enroute, these special trains will also stop at Mudkhed, Dharmabad, Basar, Nizamabad, Kamareddy, Malkajgiri, Kazipet, Warangal, Khammam, Vijayawada, Tenali, oÂngole, Nellore, Gudur, Sri Kalahasti and Renigunta stations in both directions.
These special trains will have 12 coaches viz, oÂne AC II Tier, oÂne AC III Tier, five Sleeper Class, two General Second Class and two Luggage cum Brake Van Coaches.
Source:South Central Railway
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