
Sunday, 16 April 2017

Special Trains between Hyderabad and Kakinada Port

Special Trains between Hyderabad and Kakinada Port

Special Trains between Hyderabad and Kakinada Port

In order to clear extra rush, South Central Railway will run two special trains between Hyderabad and Kakinada Port via., Guntur as detailed below.
Train No. 07001 Hyderabad – Kakinada Port special train will depart Hyderabad at 
18:50 hrson 13th April, 2017 (Thursday) arrive/depart Secunderabad at 19:15/19:20 hrs and arrive Kakinada Port at 05:45 hrs o­n the next day.
In the return direction, Train No. 07002 Kakinada Port - Hyderabad special train will depart Kakinada Port at 18:00 hrs o­n 16th April, 2017 (Sunday) arrive/depart Secunderabad at 06:00/06:05 hrs o­n the next day and arrive Hyderabad at 06:50 hrs.
Enroute, these special trains will also stop at Nalgonda, Miryalaguda, Nadikudi, Piduguralla, Sattenapalli, Guntur, Vijayawada, Gudivada, Kaikaluru, Akividu, Bhimavaram Town, Tanuku, Nidadavolu, Rajahmundry, Samalkot and Kakinada Town stations in both the directions.
All these special trains will consist of 17 coaches viz., three AC III Tier, eight Sleeper Class, four General Second and two Second Class Luggage cum Brake Van Coaches.


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