Recruitment Policy and Cadre Fixation (Gazetted Cadre) of IR
Two presentations have recently been made before full Board one by Management Service Directorate
(OSD-MS) and the other by Indian Railway Promotee Officers Federation (IRPOF)
highlighting their respective view points on the above subject. Both
presentations indicate totally diversant views and very few meeting points,
just like perhaps Indo-Pak, summit-presenting their respective positions on
Kashmir and meeting nowhere. Still decision has to be taken, to fix the cadre
atleast and also evolving a suitable/logical recruitment policy for Gazetted
It is therefore
proposed to discuss this issue in detail and depth, through this paper of mine.
It is worth mentioning here that I, through 7-8 papers submitted between
Oct.-2000-Feb.-2001- have discussed the issues thread breath cadre fixation as
also career development for Grp.`B’ officers-in much detail. The presentation
made by OSD-MS makes it very clear that the Board has not given any
consideration to the views expressed there in through these papers-submitted by
the President of a recognised Federation of Grp.`B’ officers. Again, despite a
presentation made by the IRPOF, where in several facts have been
revealed/pointed out, the Board wants to persist with the details given by the
Board, through their presentation through many of these facts in are correct,
and indicate already set up mind/attitude.
The perusal of both
presentations brings-forth one point very clearly that the stand taken by few
officials, as back as 1996-97, based on certain pre-determined notions, has
been presented in year 2001 again with old argument but in a new form only. In
1996-97, as per MPP directorate of Boards paper, the maximum number of direct
recruits, which can be recruited in a year was 168, where as per present
presentation this is 172 (in the year 2001). Despite many meetings, submission
of numerous papers, lot of discussions having taken place in between, the Board
is struck up with the same figure preciously 172 even today, without taking
into account any argument, any paper, any submission made by IRPOF in-between.
It is very important
to mention here once again, that in a meeting held on 07.04.2000 in the chamber
of Member Staff, when the figure of 181/year for recruitment was given to the
Federation, many discrepancies were pointed out there in, by us,. It was accepted
that in light of these, the figure many be 203-204, Board promised to come up
with revised details shortly.
In order to clear the
issue let us present our view point once again, keeping in consideration the
present presentation made by the Board on the subject. There are two issues
mainly i.e. Cadre fixation and Recruitment Policy first thing first, i.e. Cadre
A. Cadre Fixation
In their presentation
to the Board, Managment directorate has come to a magic number of 720 posts in
Junior scale. As per their details, 180 of these should be for Grp.`B’
promotees and the balance 540 for direct recruits. These numbers of posts for
Junior scale, knowing well that for the last 2 decades (since 1980s) the number
of only leave reserves in Junior scale is 602 till date. This means actual
cadre of Junior scale shall be only 118 (720 decided – 602 JS/Leave reserve).
The number 180 has come from the Rly. Administrations stipulations/and study of
the needs of Career Planning of Gp.`A’ direct recruits – that any recruitment
beyond the number of 172 shall be detrimental to the career graph of Grp.`A’
direct recruits.
Once the number of 172
say 180 is arrived at by this consideration (maximum of recruitment possible)
and since the Grp.`A’ direct recruit has to remain for 2½ years (1½ yrs. being
probation period) say 3 years. The number of posts should be 180x3 = 540 for
direct recruits. Adding 180 for promatees (in fact they do not remain for 1
year even in Jr.scale) the Rly. Administration has come to the magical figure
of 720 (540 DR+180 Promotees) for the total cadre in Junior scale).
If the suggestion of
Management Services directorate is accepted, then the cadre structure will be:-
- 155
JAG - 826
JAG+SG - 2254
Sr.Scale - 2880
Jr.Scale - 720
TOTAL - 6835
Grp.`B’ - 4905
JAG - 826
JAG+SG - 2254
Sr.Scale - 2880
Jr.Scale - 720
TOTAL - 6835
Grp.`B’ - 4905
It is evident, that by
this type of cadre structure, the universally accepted pyramidical structure in
most of the traditional organisation specially in government organisation shall
be violated very violently. The only logic in fixing this much cadre in Junior
scale, is the need of providing adequate career progression for direct recruit
Grp.`A’ officers.
This Federation on
earlier occasions, through many papers on the subject, has brought to the
notice of administration, that based on many rational factors, as indicated
there in, the cadre fixation in Junior scale should be in the range of 50% of
the total cadre of assistant officers. Various historical factors brought to
the notice were as under:-
(i) The number of
Junior scale posts taken into consideration for all calculations – called as
notional posts – were 2842 even upto 1990.
(ii) The number of
sanctioned Junior scale posts shown in classified Gazetted cadre booklet upto
1985 were above 2050.
(iii) Even the Jt.
Director (Gazetted Promotions) in his note in June 1988 indicated that more
than 2000 Grp.`B’ officers are working on adhoc basis, against Junior scale
(iv) The then Advisor –
Management service – Sh. Singla in his paper submitted in international senior,
submitted the number of Junior scale posts to be in the range of 4000.
(v) The number of
leave reserve Junior scale itself is was 602 even in 1980, the actual number
should be much more than – many times – of this.
(vi) The total posts in
Assistant officers being above 6000, the number of Jr.scale logically
should be not less than 4000 (60% & 6000 + 602 LR).
In view of the above,
it is totally illogical and actually malafide to fix the number of Junior scale
posts at 720 only in the total cadre of 6000 Assistant officers.
One of most shocking as
also regrettable aspect of all this exercise is that cadre fixation is being
used for he career development of cadres, though both are distinct for all
purposes. The cadre fixation and recruitment should be totally distinct from
each other.
If, only for a second
the career progression of Grp.`A’ direct recruits is forgotten, while deciding
the cadre strength, then the only number which shall be considered logical for
Junior scale cadre fixation, will always be near about 4000 Nos. and that should
be so. But also what is being done is that the cadre fixation – is being made
tool for career progression of direct recruits Grp.`A’ as the same time with no
such positive consideration for Grp.`B’ promotee officers.
May, we categorically
say, that since there is only one grade for Grp.`B’ officers, there is no
system of career progression for them except increasing the number of induction
in Gp.`A’ for them.
Further, the Railway
administration is contemplating to bifurcate the cadre of Junior scale – 540
for direct recruits and 180 for Grp.`B’ promotees. Under what system, rules,
regulations only the assistant officers cadre can be bifurcated has not been
indicated. Grp.`B’ officer’s Federation, however has no objection in
bifurcation of cadre, provided off-course, it is bifurcated upto the top at
least upt SAG grade, right from Junior scale cadre. In our opinion, it is not
legal and logical to bifurcate the cadre only in Junior scale.
After all these
discussions it can safely be said that the fixation of cadre, to 720 numbers is
not based on any argument, logic or facts except the blind consideration of
providing adequate/satisfactory career progression for Grp.`A’ direct recruits
and that also at the cost of Grp.`B’ promotee officer’s fate and career prospects.
For a model employer Government organisations like railways, equal
consideration for all cadres is expected, which is shockingly not being
observed in all these deliberations, of career fixation.
If is cadre is to be
fixed, then the number of Junior scale posts cane be in the range of 4000 or so
and nothing less.
B. Recruitment Policy
The Management
directorate, in its presentation has submitted, that in order to ensure career
progression – for Grp.`A’ direct recruits – any recruitment of direct recruits
beyond the number of 172 year shall be detrimental to the interest of these,
and it shall cause stagnation in their cadre. Based on this calculation or
assumption only, they have recommended the cadre of 720 (540 for DRs & 180
for promotees) in Junior scale. This has been thought that by this system there
will be 180 vacancies for Grp.`A’ direct recruits and 180 for promotees. As per
them, this shall ensure implementation of DOPTs instruction of quota in posts
instead of vacancies as also restrict the number of vacancies to be filled by
direct recruits. This in turn, will ensure satisfactory career progression for
Grp.`A’ direct recruits.
No Consideration for Grp.`B’
While restricted
recruitment shall ensure satisfactory career progression, it will result in
acuate stagnation in the cadre of Grp.'B’ officers. It is totally clear from,
all the talks, that all calculations made in this directions, have only one
criteria in view i.e. adequate/satisfactory career prospects for direct
recruits. What it will mean for and what affect this shall have on Grp.`B’, has
no body’s baby and no consideration is given to that aspect. The Federation of
Grp.`B’ officers, have submitted many times with calculated figures, that any
reduction in the present number of 250 induction/years shall mean acute
stagnation in their cadre of Grp.`B’ officers, but who is caring for all this?
Parameters of career progression
The number of 172 has
been arrived at for ensuring that all the minimum eligibility periods fixed for
various cadres/grades i.e. Sr.scale, JA grade, selection grade and even
Sr.Admn. grade (5th year, 9th year 13th year and 17th year) are converted into
definite promotional periods for Grp.`A’ direct recruits. That is what the
concept of the adequate career progression for Grp.`A’ direct recruits is.
In actual terms, the
IRPOF has no objections to this concept, and has never put any
hindrance/obsteckles in achieving this objective at only stage. However the
only submission of them has been that this should not be at the cost of career
prospects of Grp.`B’ officers and secondly the same consideration be given to
Grp.`B’ officers too. Alas, both of these are not to be for Grp.`B’ officers.
Impact of reduced intake of Gp.`B’ officers
The IRPOF has already
submitted detailed study reports on the subject, which clearly bring out that
if the number of inductions is reduced from 250 to 180 – as proposed – the
length of service in Grp.`B’ before inductions is likely to be increased
considerably i.e. from 11 yrs. 8 month (with 250 vacancies) to on average 14
yrs. 3 month (wit 181 vacancies) and in later years, in some cadres to 16-17
yrs. even.
Any measure taken to
ensure reduced periods promotion for direct recruits at the cost of much
increase in length of service for induction for Grp.`B’ officers, is not only
unethical but frustrating also and indicative of step motherly treatment.
Most disturbing aspects
Most disturbing aspects
about the presentation made by the management service directorate are that the
effort put in by the administration in negating every thing, what ever has been
said/demanded by IRPOF at any occasion, be it equal pay, or 80% posts in
Jr.scale pay or transportation allowance, or avoidance of larger stagnation in
the cadre, or improved promotional prospects. As if IRPOF is talking nonsense
in all respects. Every thing said, has been said as wrong, by providing the
facts in different ways. It has been said through this presentation that the
situations in all respect has improved considerably over the years, and the
administration is giving much more to Grp.`B’ officer than what is due to them
otherwise. What can be for away from truth than this.
Solutions suggested by IRPOF
Same is the fate of all
measures suggested by IRPOF for solutions. Be it introductions of LDCE scheme
in Grp.`A’, or increasing percentage quota of Grp.`B’ from 50% to 75%,
increasing number of inductions from Grp.`B’ to Grp.`A’ on one time basis,
increasing the number of posts in JS cadre, bifurcation of total cadre from JS
to SAG in the ratio of quota laid down, or intake from DRs and Promotees to be
delinked, decreasing the periods for induction to Grp.`A’ or what not.
The stock reply in all
the above has been not possible under the rules’, or not acceptable to
DOPT/finance ministry and in many cases the thinking/arguments of IRPOF are not
correct, and the actual facts are that the situation in all respects is much
better than 1970/1980/1990, from which ever year it can be shown as such.
What is the fact?
What ever the
presentation may say, but the following facts cannot be negated:-
(i) That the, number of
CL-II (Grp.`B’) posts out of the total about 6000 posts in Assistant officer’s
post was 1997 only as indicated by Adv. M.S. in 1990 - the balance 4000 being
Grp.`A’ posts only.
(ii) That the number
of Grp.`B’ officers working in Grp.`A’ is near by 10-11% of the total Grp.`A’
posts and about 18% of the total Grp.`A’ working.
(iii) That the share of
Grp.`B’ in Grp.`A’ is much less than 50% of the quota laid down for Grp.`B’.
(iv) That the Grp.`B’
is experiencing extreme stagnation in all cases, whether promotion to Sr.scale
(adhoc) – Av. 11-12yrs. – or induction to Grp.`A’ – Appox. 12 yrs. – where in
the eligibility for both of these is periods are likely to be increased
considerably if, as proposed, the number of Sr.scale posts are reduced (16-17
yrs.) or the number of vacancies/year for induction are decreased to 180/yrs.
(from 250/yrs. now) (14-15 yrs.).
Attitude about other demands
Though, many issues were
not accepted to be part of the presentation made by the Management Services
i.e. equal pay for equal work, 80% posts to be in junior scale grade and
transportation allowance etc. but still they have ventured in giving comments
over these demands also. This is a measures of their attitude towards the
grievances of Grp. ‘B’ officers that they have not given positive
comments towards even these demands, though two of these i.e 80% posts and
transportation allowance already been accepted and recommended by the Railway
There are remarks
against one time exception, recruitment in Grp. ‘B’ having vide fluctuations,
number of Grp. ‘B’ officers reduced substantially, percentage of promotee
quotas viz.-a- viz. total posts, length of service in Grp. ‘B’, recruitment in
Grp. ‘A’, the weight age in seniority viz. a viz. other ministries and to
reduce adhocism in senior scale etc. have also been commented in a way, which
do not inspire any confidence in Grp. ‘B’ officers mind regarding the fair
play, reasonableness and equal treatment etc. from the so called model employer
i.e. Government of India. What purpose is being served for such facts, comments
and expression of feelings etc. as these just do not help in creating right
atmosphere rather it creates suspicion in the mind of member of the cadre.
Suggestions given by the IRPOF to solve the present situation in respect with
recruitment policies i.e. increase in promotee quota percentage, bifurcation of
direct recruit quota with 25% from market and 25% from LDCE etc., delay in DPCs
and promotion to Sr.scale for abolishing adhocism by inducting 1250 Grp. ‘B’
officers in 5 years have all been dealt with in a very inconsequential way and
creates impression that the administration is not interested in solving the
problems of Grp. ‘B’ officers in a reasonable way.
Increased period for promotion to Sr.Scale (Adhoc)
It is regretted that
though it has been accepted that promotion to Sr.Scale adhoc (adhoc) was 3 to 9
years earlier and now it is 6 to 9 years but still it is said that the average
of 6 years remain intact.
It is regretfully
stated that the average of 3 to 9 years and 6 to 9 years can not be same. This
is mathematical information and can not be denied by any one. Still the
administration has dared to avoid the same by saying that average is same.
Fact is that, except few
departments and that also on few railways, Grp. ‘B’ officers having senior
scale adhoc in most of the departments and in most of the railways.
Increased period for induction to Grp. ‘A’
A statement given by
IRPOF that the average period spent in Grp.’B’ for induction in Grp. ‘A’ has
considerably been increased over last 10-15 years. It is a statistical fact
which can not be questioned by any one but still Management Services
Directorate has refuted even this fact and as per them, there has been
improvement in all categories except Electrical and Mechanical departments. The
fact is that this statstic have deteriorated over the year largely and the present
day, over all average period to be spent in Grp. ‘B’ before induction to Grp.
‘A’ is likely to cross 12 years as compared to 10 years earlier. If the number
of inductions are to be reduced as proposed from 250 to 180, this figure shall
cross even 14 years mark. The denial of this fact can not be farther from truth.
Intake to be de-linked
The IRPOF has already
submitted keeping in view all the issued at stake that no solution is possible
unless the intake of Grp. ‘B’ & Grp. ‘A’ is de-linked. In reply to this,
the Management Services says that the proposal of 3:1 ratio in the cadre
fixation is meant for that purpose. Nobody can agree with this statement of
theirs and in fact, by saying incorrect things time to time they just want to
prove that administration is not interested in amicable solution of the things.
It has been stated
that power to relax can not be used every time and therefore this shall be used
very scarcely. Moreover, this can be maximum 1.5/1.6 times only and this shall
not be every year for all departments.
Keeping in view all
these conditions, they have come up with a proposal for 246 posts for the year
2001, 216 for 2002 and 201 for 2003.
The irony of the fact
is that all these conditions are meant for keeping intact the satisfactory
level of career progression for Grp. ‘A’ direct recruits and satisfactory means
here that all their eligibility periods be converted into promotion periods. To
ensure this, the factor 1.5/1.6 is being considered.
As per the proposals of
the Management Services, the above mentioned number of vacancies will mean,
according to the calculations that in every department, Grp. ‘B’ officers
having 9 to 10years of services in Grp. ‘A’ are likely to be brought in to zone
of consideration and that’s all. Bringing persons with 9 to 10 years service in
the zone of consideration means the average length of service of all Grp. ‘B’
officers in Grp.’B’ for induction in Grp ‘A’ shall be definitely about 12 years
if that is the career progression for to Grp ‘B’ officers then it is better not
to claim that every consideration is being given to them.
Though, as in the case
of all direct Grp. ‘A’ officers wherein their eligibility period are being
converted into promotion periods if the Grp. ‘B’ also demands the same
consideration for themselves then they are not asking the sky. However, the
Grp. ‘B’ officers being practical just demand that keeping intact their
weightage of 5 years if they are given Grp. ‘A’ after 8 years of service in
Grp. ‘B’, it shall be reasonable. But perhaps the administration does not feel
even this to be given to Grp.’B’ officers and therefore lot of statics and
calculations have been brought forth to deny all this to Grp. ‘B’ officers.
What is surprising is that even those departments where the zone of
consideration is having 7 to 8 years service in Grp. ‘B’ are being brought to 9
to 10 years service as zone of consideration. What type of improvement in career
progression, this can only be explained by the Management Services Directorate?
Power to relax
It is being said that
power to relax can not be for every year, for every department, every time.
Moreover, this can not be more that 1.5./1.6 times of the direct recruitment.
In view of the IRPOF,
first of all, power to relax, term should not be used for the Grp.’B’ officers.
In fact, keeping in view the career progression and other things of
administration as well as time, the quota of Grp. ‘B’ officers should be fixed
first and then using this power to relax, system should be used for reducing
the number of intake of direct Grp. ‘A’ officers. This means that if it is
decided in order to give satisfactory career progression 300 Grp. ‘B’ officers
are to be inducted in Grp. ‘A’ then by using the above principle Government may
take a decision that they would like to recruit only 150 or 160 Grp. ‘A’
officers every year. In our view, deduction in quota, especially, when the
recruitment is according to the requirement of administration, can not be
objected too by DOPT or any one.
Rejection in adhocisim in Senior scale
IRPOF has always been
demanded for excessive adhocism in senior scale deteriorates considerably. The
weak point was that to reduce this adhocism, intake of Grp. ‘B’ officers in
Grp. ‘A’ should be increased considerably without affecting the chances of
promotion of Grp.’A’ direct recruits adversely at least in SAG grade and above.
It is, however,
surprising that the railway administration has found out a unique way of
reducing adhocism in senior scale and i.e. by reducing the over all posts in
senior scale. The proposals is to reduce about 1300 posts in senior scale. What
is a novel idea is this? If you find pain in your leg, cut down the same. The
administration is required to be appreciated for such a great proposal for
reduction in adhocism.
It is heard that a
number of senior scale posts are likely to be up-graded in JA grade and above.
Up grading senior scale posts without matching up- gradation from senior scale
to junior scale shall be totally damaging the cadre structure of the gazetted
cadre on railways. For god sake, such proposals may not be accepted to spite
the nose of Grp. ‘B’ officers only.
Conclusion : In the end, I would like to again mention very
moderate and reasonable aspirations of Grp. ‘B’ in net shell as under:
i) Weightage of 5 years
to continue and Grp.’B’ should be given induction in Grp. ‘A’ after 8 years of
their service in Grp. ‘B’.
ii) For the induction
in senior scale adhoc should positively be their after 8 years service in Grp.
‘B’ if not earlier.
It is requested that
systems to ensure these be evolved with positive attitude at the earliest
possible to avoid frustration among the members of Grp. ‘B’ cadre.
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