
Thursday, 9 December 2021

Recruitment under Centralized Employment Notice (CEN) 01/2019

 Recruitment under Centralized Employment Notice (CEN) 01/2019




Recruitment under Centralized Employment Notice (CEN) 01/2019

Results to the 1st Stage computer Based Test (CBT-1) to be tentatively declared o­n January 15, 2022

2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT-2) for shortlisted candidates is likely to be scheduled during 14-18 February , 2022

With respect to the Centralised Employment Notice (CEN) 01/2019, issued for recruitment of various NTPC (Non-Technical Popular Categories) graduate and under graduate posts, Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) held the 1st  stage Computer Based Test (CBT-1) in 7 phases from December 28th,  2020 to July 31st, 2021. The results of the first stage Computer Based Test (CBT-1) is currently under process and the results are tentatively scheduled to be published in the official websites of RRBs by January 15th,  2022.

Further it is stated that 2nd stage Computer Based Test (CBT-2) exam for the candidates who will be shortlisted based o­n 1st stage Computer Based Test (CBT-1) is tentatively scheduled to be held from February 14-18, 2022. However, this tentative schedule is subject to the prevailing conditions and Government guidelines issued from time to time in view of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the country.

Indian Railways appeals to all the candidates to refer o­nly to the official websites of Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) for any latest updates o­n the recruitment process and not to get misled by unauthorised sources o­n this matter.

Source:Southern Railway

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