
Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Special Trains Between Narkher and Kacheguda

 Special Trains Between Narkher and Kacheguda  



Weekly Special Trains between Narkher and Kacheguda

Central Railway  Press Release

Weekly Special Trains between Narkher and Kacheguda

Railway will run special train between Narkher and Kacheguda. The details are as under:

07642 special will leave Narkher daily except Tuesday at 04.30 hrs with effect from 15.1.2021 and reach Kacheguda at 20.15 hrs same day.

07641 special will leave Kacheguda daily except Monday at 07.10 hrs with effect from 14.1.2021 and reach Narkher at 23.10 hrs same day.

Halts: Warud Orange City, Hiwarkhed, Morshi, Walgaon, New Amravati, Badnera, Murtajapur, Akola, Washim, Hingoli, Purna, Hazur Sahib Nanded, Mudkhed, Umri, Dharmabad, Basar, Nizamabad, Kamareddy, Akanapet, Mirzapalli, Wadiaram, Medchal, Bolarum, Malkajgiri and Sitafalmandi

Composition: o­ne AC-Chair Car, 17 second class seating.

Reservation: Bookings for 07642 special train will commence o­n 14.1.2021 at all Computerized Reservation Centres and o­n website:

Railways will also run train no 07640 / 07639 Akola- Kacheguda weekly special for the benefit of passengers.

For detailed timings and halts of the above special trains, please visit or download NTES App

Only passengers having confirmed tickets will be permitted to board these special trains.

Passengers are advised to adhere all norms, SOPs related to COVID19 during the boarding, travel and at destination.

Source:Central Railway

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