
Saturday, 12 September 2020

Running of Fully Reserved Special Train Between Solapur and Mysuru

 Running of Fully Reserved Special Train Between Solapur and Mysuru



Running of Fully reserved special train between Solapur and Mysuru

Central Railway Press Release

Running of Fully reserved special train between Solapur and Mysuru

It has been decided to run following special train between Solapur and Mysuru from 13.9.2020 until further advice.

06535 special will leave Mysuru at 15.45 hrs daily from 12.9.2020 and arrive Solapur at 12.40 hrs next day until further advice.

06536 special will leave Solapur at 14.10 hrs daily from 13.9.2020 and arrive Mysuru at 11.00 hrs next day until further advice.

Halts: Existing stoppages as identical to 16536/16535 except Nimbal and Annigeri

Composition: o­ne first AC cum AC-2 Tier, o­ne AC-3 Tier, 10 Sleeper Class and 6 second class seating including guard's brake van.

Reservation: Bookings for 06536 special already open at all reservation centres and website 

Passengers are advised to adhere all norms, SOPs related to COVID19 during the boarding, travel and at destination.

Source:Central Railway

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