
Sunday, 31 May 2020

Limited Special Train Operations will commence From 01.06.2020 and advisory points from Railways

Limited Special Train Operations will commence From 01.06.2020 and advisory points from Railways
Advisory to Rail Passengers Intending to Travel by Special Trains Commencing from 1st June, 2020
Limited train operations will commence with special train services being scheduled to run between various destinations from 1st June, 2020, as already notified. Keeping in view, the steps being taken to curb the spread of Covid-19 virus, rail passengers intending to travel by these special train services are advised to adhere to the following:
  • Rail passengers travelling by special trains should reach their boarding railway station atleast 90 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train.
  • Passengers are requested to travel with minimal / light luggage for added convenience, since availability of railway licensed porters will be minimal.
  • Passengers shall not board the trains without an authorized journey ticket. Checks will be conducted to ensure that no unauthorized person enters the railway station premises or boards the trains.
  • To the extent possible, separate entry and exit gates will be ear marked at railway stations and passengers may accordingly make use of the same for smooth movement.
  • Rail passengers have to mandatorily undergo thermal screening at the railway stations, towards which they shall co-operate. o­nly passengers who are found asymptomatic will be permitted to travel.
  • During screening, if a passenger is found to be symptomatic of Covid-19 virus, they shall not be allowed to travel. In such case, full refund of ticket fare will be provided to passengers.
  • Persons with co-morbidities (for example - hypertension, diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases, cancer, immune deficiency conditions), pregnant women, children below the age of 10 years and persons above 65 years of age may avoid travel, except if it is essential.
  • Rail passengers are provided with Sanitizers for use at entry and exit points of railway stations. They shall also make use of face masks without fail during the entire journey
  • Railway staff including ticket checking personnel will be available o­n board the special trains and in case of any need / emergency, passengers can approach them for redressal / remedial action.
  • Frequent cleaning / sanitizing of passenger utility areas like waiting halls, toilets and concourse etc will be undertaken by railways. Passengers are requested to maintain cleanliness and hygiene, so as to enable best upkeep of the railway station premises & trains.
  • No Linen / Blankets etc., will be provided inside the trains and passengers are requested to make their own arrangements.
  • Passengers are encouraged to carry their own food and drinking water. Catering and Vending units at stations will remain open. In case of food plaza and refreshment rooms etc., cooked items will be served as take away o­nly, with no sit-down eating arrangements in place.
  • All passengers shall download and use the Aarogya Setu App.
  • No unreserved tickets will be issued for these special trains.
  • All traveling passengers shall note that o­n arrival at their destination, they will have to adhere to such health protocols as are prescribed by the Destination State / Union Territory. State Government advisories in this regard can be accessed o­n the website of either IRCTC ( or the concerned State Governments
  • (like for Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, etc).

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