
Thursday, 7 November 2019

Karthikai Ekadasi Special Trains Between Various Destinations

Karthikai Ekadasi Special Trains Between Various Destinations
SCR to run Unreserved Special Trains between Various Destination in view of Karthika Ekadashi
In order to clear extra rush of passengers during Karthika Ekadashi festival, SCR will run eight unreserved special trains between Bidar – Pandharpur, Adilabad – Pandharpur and Pandharpur – H.S Nanded as detailed below:-
1. Bidar – Pandharpur – Bidar Passenger Unreserved Special Train (04 Services):-
Train No.07517 Bidar – Pandharpur Passenger Special Train will depart Bidar at 07.00 hrs o­n 07th & 08th November, 2019 and arrive Pandharpur at 16.00 hrs o­n the same day.
In the return direction, 07518 Pandharpur – Bidar Passenger Special Train will depart Pandharpur at 20.00 hrs o­n 07th & 08th November, 2019 and arrive Bidar at 04.00 hrs o­n the next day.
Enroute these special trains will stop at Bhalki, Kamalnagar, Udgir, Latur Road, Latur, Osmanabad, Barsi Town and Kurdwadi stations in both the directions.
2. Adilabad – Pandharpur – Adilabad Passenger Unreserved Special Train (02 Services):-
Train No. 07501 Adilabad – Pandharpur Passenger Special Train will depart Adilabad at 14.00 hrs o­n 07th November, 2019 and arrive Pandharpur at 07.30 hrs o­n the next day.
In the return direction, Train No. 07502 Pandharpur – Adilabad Passenger Special Train will depart Pandharpur at 22.00 hrs o­n 12th November, 2019 and arrive Adilabad at 13.15 hrs o­n the next day.
Enroute these special trains will also stop at Kinwat, Bodhadi Burug, Dhanora Deccan, Sahasrakunda, Himayatnagar, Hadgaon road, Bhokar, Mudkhed, H.S Nanded, Purna, Parbhani, Gangakher, Parli Vaijnath, Latur Road, Latur, Osmanabad, Barsi Town and Kurdwadi stations in both the directions.
3. Pandharpur – H.S Nanded – Pandharpur Passenger Unreserved Special Train (02 Services):-
Train No. 07527 Pandharpur – H.S Nanded Passenger Special Train will depart Pandharpur at 10.40 hrs o­n 08th November, 2019 and arrive H.S Nanded at 23.15 hrs o­n the same day.
In the return direction, Train No. 07528 H.S Nanded – Pandharpur Passenger Special Train will depart H.S Nanded at 19.20 hrs o­n 11th November, 2019 and arrive Pandharpur at 07.30 hrs o­n the next day.
Enroute these special trains will also stop at Kurdwadi, Barsi Town, Osmanabad, Latur, Latur Road, Parli Vaijnath, Gangakher, Parbhani and Purna stations in both the directions.
All these unreserved special trains will consist of General Second Class coaches.

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