Introduction of Common Mini Line (CML) Boxes-South Central Railway
SCR Loco Pilots Go Hi tech – Join Digital Band Wagon
Introduction of Common Mini Line (CML) Boxes:
In addition, Loco Pilots usually carry personal equipment line box equipped with all essential tool kit, protection equipment and communication equipment which are required in day to day working. Personal Line boxes have to be loaded and unloaded from locomotive at the time of commencement and completion of duty by Loco Pilots. The process is very laborious and requires huge manpower due to involvement of huge number of line boxes.
To overcome the difficulties with Personal Line Box, South Central Railway has introduced the system of Common Mini Line (CML) Box in all the six divisions of the zone, which has eliminated requirement of loading/unloading of Line Boxes. CML boxes are loaded at first zonal crew change point of SCR and remains in the engine till next zonal crew change point. Thus, Loading and unloading of CML box within SCR zone is fully eliminated except at zonal crew change points. CML boxes occupy less space, lesser in weight and size compared to earlier line boxes. Requirement of number of tool kits, protection equipment and communication equipment is reduced due to oÂne line box for loco instead of individual staff. No dedicated space is required for storage at Loco Pilot lobbies as in the case of earlier method. No Box boys are required for loading/unloading. This has resulted in overall recurring monetary saving of approximately Rs 1 crore per annum. Introduction of Common Mini Line (CML) Boxes in place of Personal Line boxes over the zone is also recognized as oÂne of the Best Innovation at Railway Board Level.
On this occasion Shri Gajanan Mallya, General Manager opined that Loco Pilots are the core strength of Railways and expressed his happiness for the efforts being adopted by the SCR to improve the working conditions of Loco Pilots. He also said that efforts are oÂn hand to provide Air Conditions in the locomotives oÂn gradual manner and advised to extend these facilities to the entire Zone at the earliest.
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