Kartika Ekadashi Special Trains -South Central Railway
SCR to Run Six Special Trains for Kartika Ekadashi
South Central Railway will run six Special Trains during Kartika Ekadashi Celebrations at Pandharpur as per the following schedule:-
1.Train No. 07517/07518Bidar – Pandharpur - Bidar special trains (2 Services):
Accordingly, Train no 07517Bidar – Pandharpurspecial train will depart Bidar at 22:30 hrs on 29October, 2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 07:45 hrs on the next day.
In the return direction Train No. 07518 Pandharpur – Bidar special trainwill depart Pandharpur at 20:00 hrs on 30thOctober, 2017 and arrive Bidar at 04:00 hrs on the next day.
Enroute these special train will stop atBhalki, Udgir, Latur Road, Latur,Usmanabad, Barsi Town and Kurduwadi stations in both the directions.
This special train will have 10 coaches viz., eight General Second Class and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches
2.Train No. 07501/07527 Adilabad - Pandharpur – H.S.Nanded special trains(2 Services):
Accordingly, Train no 07501 Adilabad – Pandharpur special train will depart Adilabad at 14:00 hrs on 30th October, 2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 07:15 hrs on the next day.
Enroute, this special train will stop at Kinwat, Bodhadi Burug, Dhanora (Deccan), Sahasrakund, Himayatnagar, Hadgaon Road, Bhokar, Mudkhed, H.S.Nanded, Purna, Parbhani, Gangakher, Parli Vaijnath, Latur Road, Latur, Usmanabad, Barsi Town and Kurduwadi stations.
In the return direction, Train no 07527 Pandharpur – H.S.Nanded special trainwill depart Pandharpur at 08:00 hrs on 31stOctober, 2017 and arrive H.S.Nandedat 20:45 hrs on the same day.
Enroute, this special train will stop at Kurduwadi, Barsi Town, Usmanabad, Latur, Latur Road, Parli Vaijnath, Gangakher, Parbhani and Purna Stations.
This special train will have 10 coaches viz., eight General Second Class and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches
3.Train No. 07528/07502 H.S Nanded - Pandharpur – Adilabad special trains(2 Services):
Accordingly, Train no 07528 H.S Nanded – Pandharpur special train will depart H.S Nanded at 19:25 hrs on 3rdNovember,2017 and arrive Pandharpur at 07:15 hrs on the next day.
Enroute, this special train will stop at Purna, Parbhani, Gangakher, Parli Vaijnath, Latur Road, Latur, Usmanabad, Barsi Town and Kurduwadi stations.
In the return direction, Train no 07502Pandharpur – Adilabad special trainwill depart Pandharpur at 08:00 hrs oÂn 4thNovember, 2017 and arrive Adilabad at 00:30 hrs oÂn the next day.
Enroute, this special train will stop at Kurduwadi, Barsi Town, Usmanabad, Latur, Latur Road, Parli Vaijnath, Gangakher, Parbhani, Purna, H.S.Nanded, Mudkhed, Bhokar, Hadgaon Road, Himayatnagar, Sahasrakund, Dhanora (Deccan), Bodhadi Burgu and Kinwat Stations.
This special train will have 10 coaches viz., eight General Second Class and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake van Coaches
Source:South Central Railway
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