Summer Special Trains -South Central Railway
22 Special Trains between H.S.Nanded and AJNI
In order to clear extra rush of passengers during summer, South Central Railway will run 22 Special trains between H.S.Nanded - Ajni as detailed below:-
Accordingly, Train No. 07629 H.S.Nanded - Ajni Special train will depart H.S.Nanded at 20:30 hrs on 17th, 24thApril; 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29thMay; 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th June, 2017 (Mondays) and arrive Ajniat 05:25 hrs oÂn the next day.
In the return direction, Train No. 07630 Ajni - H.S.NandedSpecial train will depart Ajni at 22:20 hrs on 18th, 25th April;2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30thMay; 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th June, 2017 (Tuesdays)and arrive H.S.Nanded at 08:10 hrs oÂn the next day.
Enroute, these special trains will stop Purna, Basmath, Hingoli, Washim, Akola, Murtizapur, Badnera, Chandur, Dhamangaon, Pulgaon and Wardha in both the directions.
These special trains consist of 17 Coaches viz,. oÂne AC II Tier, two AC III Tier, six Sleeper Class, six General Second Class and two Luggage cum Break van coaches.
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