Grievances of Pensioners will be addressed with Compassion Shri A.K. Gupta, Addl. General Manager, SCR
Grievances of Pensioners will be addressed with Compassion Shri A.K. Gupta, Addl. General Manager, SCR
Shri A.K. Gupta, Addl. General Manager, South Central Railway, said that SCR is addressing the grievances of pensioners with compassion. Any grievance filed by pensioner by any means of communication will be duly responded in 30 days he said addressing the Half Yearly Pension Adalat, conducted by Personnel Department of SCR, today i.e. 28thJune, 2016 at Rail Nilayam Auditorium, Secunderabad.
Shri A.K. Gupta said that the percentage of grievances oÂn South Central Railway has come down to below 1% due to advent of oÂnline portal CPGRAMS (Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System) which can be also accessed through smartphones. However if the ‘Change in Address’ is conveyed promptly to the concerned officials, the percentage of grievances could have been nil he added.
Shri R.R. Prasad, Chief Personnel Officer, SCR, while addressing the large number of railway pensioners at the Pension Adalat, thanked the representatives of the Railway Pensioners’ Federation and Associations for bringing the grievances of pensioners to the notice of administration which needs immediate redressal. He informed that ‘NIVARAN’ an exclusive oÂnline web portal of railways to redress grievance of both serving as well as retired railymen is soon to commence. He requested the pensioners to ensure the entry of personal mobile numbers, AADHAR numbers of pensioner and also particulars of family members accurately in order to resolve the issue easily.
Dr. Y.T. Varma, Financial Advisor & Chief Account Officer (C), SCR, stated that accounts department would work in tandem with personnel department and bankers with an aim to reduce the number of grievances at the pension adalats to the bare minimum. Shri Y.N. Sastry, President, All India Retired Railway Employees’ Federation also spoke on the occasion.
Source:South Central Railway
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