Rain Water Harvesting – CR to save Rs.1.44 Crore Per Annum
Rapid urbanization resulting decrease in infiltration of rain water into the sub soil drastically, thus diminishing ground water recharge. Central Railway has adopted Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) as a part of finding solution to the ever increasing water needs. It has already installed RWH at 50 different locations like railway stations, maintenance sheds and few colonies in the last 5 years.
Notable among the installations is Lokmanya Tilak Terminus which is a low cost and no maintenance RWH costing approximately Rs.10 lakh. CR has identified the area and 2000 meter trench with cross section of 1.5meter x 1.0 meter excavated and filled with crushed stone of different grading.
These crushed stones provide a medium to collect the rain water and create the pressure head which increases the percolation rate of soil. This system is so effective that even during the very high intensity of rainfall up to 100 mm per day approximately 70% rain water will percolate in the soil.
The rain harvesting project introduced by Central Railway will help in catering for 40% requirement of daily 18 lakhs liters of water requirement at LTT, which will help in saving of Rs.12 lakhs per month or Rs.1.44 Crore annually.
Benefits of RWH
* conservation of rain water,
* Improvement in infiltration and reduction in run-off thereby reducing flooding during the rainy season ,
* increasing the water table of surrounding area and recharging ground water with fresh water.
* improving the ground water quality by reducing the salt content, making it portable for drinking and other use like garden, cleaning, washing etc.
* Preventing erosion of soil.
* No water logging in LTT circulating area of 50000 square meter.
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