
Monday 13 April 2015

Appointment on the Railways - Minimum Educational Qualification


No. E(NG)II/20 15/RC-1IGen1.l1
New Delhi, dated 05. 03.2015
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal RailwayslPUs.

Sub: Appointment on the Railways- Minimum educational qualification regarding.
Attention is invited to this Ministry's letter No. E(NG)II/-82IRC 1198 dated1.9.1982 and No. E(NG)II-91IRC-1I117 (MC) dated 30.9.92 (RBE No. 164 of1992),laying down instructions that 50% in Matriculation need not be insisted upon and candidates having a pass in Matriculation may be considered for appointment against physically handicapped quota as well as on compassionate grounds.Board have recently issued guidelines enhancing the minimum educational qualification for various posts in Non-Technical Popular categories to 12th(+2stage) or its equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate.
References are being received from field units, seeking clarification whether in case of appointment against physically handicapped quota and of compassionate ground appointment, the candidates has to possess minimum of 50% in 12th (+2 stage).The matter has been looked into and it has been decided by the Board that dispensation of non-insistence upon the 50% marks clause may be continued for such cases.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(This also disposes off Eastern Railway's letter No.CPO/SC/SA/Pol.lPt.XlCorsp.(Vol.I) dated20/2/15 and SECR'S letter No. P-HQIRULIIO1/5/5557dated 19/1/15).

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