
Saturday 28 February 2015

Meeting with 7th Pay Commission and DoPT on 25.2.2015 – Confederation publishes brief resume of the discussions

Meeting with Chairman 7th Pay Commission & Discussion with Govt. on NJCA Strike Charter of Demands – 25.02.2015 – Com. K. K. N. Kutty (President), Com. M. S. Raja (Working President) & Com. M. Krishnan (Secretary General) attended both the meetings on behalf of Confederation.

Shiva Gopal Mishra

Joint Consultative Machinery 
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001

No. NC-JCM/2015/S.C

February 26, 2015

Dear Comrade

The Standing Committee of the Staff Side, National Council has interaction with the 7th CPC on 25th Feb. 2015 followed by the Standing Committee meeting of National Council (JCM) with the Secretary DOPT in the afternoon. The meeting with the Secretary Personnel came as a result of the decisions that we have conveyed for organizing March to Parliament and other programmes, culminate as a pre pretretory meaure for an indefinite strike. The agenda for discussion with the Secretary Personnel was, therefore, the charter of demands (10 points) we had submitted to the Government after the National Convention of all Central Government Employees Organizations on 11th December, 2014. The response from the Government undoubtedly establish the fact that ultimately they have taken note of the growing discontentment of the Central Government employees manifested through various programmes we have jointly carried out by this time. We, therefore, earnestly request the affiliates and leaders of various organizations at the field formations to intensify the ongoing programmes to compel the Government to settle our demands. We give hereunder a brief resume of the discussions we had with the Pay Commission and the Secretary Personnel, which is indicative of the reflections of both the entities.

Meeting with the Pay Commission:
The Chairman informed of his inability to take a final decision on the question of merger of DA and Interim relief as the Government has not referred this matter to them and further stated that this Govt. can take decisions on the two issues, without any report from the CPC. He added that the memoranda received from the staff Side on these two issues had been forwarded to the Government. He wanted the staff side to take up the matter with the Government and assured that on receipt of the reference from the Government they would consider the matter without any loss of time. However, they indicated that the Commission would strive to submit their report to the Government within the stipulated time frame and therefore, the question of Interim relief, in his opinion should not arise at all. The Staff side requested him to appreciate the fact that the matter concerning merger of DA and interim relief has been raised by them not on account of the possible delay on the part of the Pay Commission but emanated from the fact that the erosion in the real value of wages of the Central Government has been eroded during the period drastically.

On Oral Evidence:
The methodology to be adopted by the 7th CPC in the matter was discussed at length. It was ultimately decided that the Staff Side after considering the viewpoints expressed by the CPC will draw out a plan both for the National Council Staff Side and for the organizations at the Departmental levels. The scheduled date for meetings with the Pay Commission will be finalized after Holi festival i.e. 5th March, 2015. The Staff Side will discuss the matter and will submit its consensus view to the Commission soon in this regard. In any case, the staff side would require the following information immediately at its office.

1. Name of the organization which has submitted its memorandum to CPC with date of submission.
2. Underwhich Ministry the Department function
3. Whether the organization is recognized or not
4. The number of employees, whom the organization represents
5. The total – Group C and Group B Non Gazetted – strength of the concerned Department.

Inclusion of GDS
The Chairman assured that he would go through the Supreme Court Judgment in the matter. However, fie added that the inclusion or otherwise of the GDS within the purview of the 7th CPC is the prerogative of the Government and except making its opinion clear on the subject he might not be able to do anything further in the matter.

Standing Committee meeting with Secretary Personnel: There had been no tangible result in the discussions. The impression gained was that the staff side was invited to show that the dialogue continues, However, we give here under the response of the Government in respect of the issues subjected for discussion. The rest of the issues in the charter will be discussed later on at another meeting, for which the date has not been indicated.

1.Interim relief, Merger of DA, Date of effect, Inclusion of GDS in the ambit of 7th CPC; Settlement of anomalies; The views expressed by the official on each of the above items are as under

a).Interim relief is normally given if there is an apprehension of abnormal delay. Government has been informed by the 7th CPC that they would adhere to the time schedule.

b).DA merger: Since the Pay Commission would be submitting its report soon, the question of merger of DA would automatically be in-built in their recommendation.

c). It is the prerogative of the CPC to recommend the date of effect. Govt.’s role will come only after the recommendations are received.

d). GDS: Govt. has not considered the GDS as Civil Servants. However, the latest recommendation received from the Postal Department in the matter is said to be under the consideration of the Govt.

e). The National Anomaly committee will meet again shortly and the resolution on agreed items would be expedited.

2.FDI and Privatization of Railways and Defense factories and Corporatization of Postal: The Staff Side was advised to take up the issue at a higher level as the issues raised were said to be policy matters.

3.No ban on recruitment.: The official Side clarified that the Govt. has not instituted any ban on recruitment. There is only ban on creation of posts. However, for operational posts, exemption has been provided in compelling situation.

4. Scrap PFRDA Act.: The official side will look into the letter received from the Railway and Defence Ministers. The scrapping of the Act was said to be not within the scope of discussion. The Joint Secretary Financial Services explained the various provisions of the Act and as to how the contributory pension scheme would be beneficial to the subscribers. The Staff Side requested the Government to make it optional that anybody who feels that the new scheme would be beneficial would opt for it and others will have the opportunity to opt out and adopt the old defined benefit scheme scheme of Pension.

5.Closure of Medical Stores Depots and Printing and Stationery Departments : It was categorically cleared by the Govt that there had been no decision to close down the Printing Presses and Stationery Department. In view of the new situation in which all Departments are permitted to purchase the requisite stationery items from the market, the Urban Development Ministry has suggested certain modernization and restructuring the of Stationery Department. The Govt. was prepared to discuss the details thereof and arrive at an amicable settlement, acceptable to the Staff Side. The official side expressed willingness to discuss the matter with the staff Side of the concerned Department along with the 3 (three) members of the standing Committee. In respect of Medical store depots also, the official side clarified that the department would not be closed down and no employee will be retrenched. They also wanted the staff side to meet and discuss the issue with them to clear the doubts and suspicion in the matter.

6. Active Functioning of JCM : The Government will convene the meeting of the National Council soon. the convening of the Departmental Councils would be taken up with the concerned Departmental heads. The delay in the grant of recognition may be brought to the notice of the Department of Personnel for corrective action at their end

7. Compassionate Appointment : Government will consider lifting of the ceiling of 5% but no assurance was held out. The other issues in the charter will be subjected to discussion later on.

With Greetings

Yours fraternally,
Shiv Gopal Mishra

Source: Confederation

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